It can be difficult for a company to locate an outside organization to provide the PCBs, or printed circuit boards, that they need for electronic device production. It does not, however, have to be that difficult, and you need to bear in mind the advantages that companies offering PCB services can offer you. Here are three ways in which you can take advantage of an outside vendor for these services, depending on the set_ up of your company.


Firstly, if your company already has the necessary components for the production of PCBs, you can choose to hand over those materials to an outside vendor, who will produce PCBs for you. This could be a good solution, especially if the other company is a specialist in PCB services. You can free your resources for other work, rather than spending them on PCB production.


The second scenario is WHERE you might have some of the materials, or partially completed boards. You can still use outside PCB services to complete the production process. Just talk over the production with them, explaining what you want, and most PCB service companies will come up with a custom solution for you. To work out exactly what your requirements are, it could be worth discussing the matter with some experts in this field.


The third option is to hand over the entire production to PCB services. They will take care of the whole process, supplying your PCBs for you and also carrying out PCB tests. Its worth conducting your own PCB tests too, but you should discuss the issue of PCB tests with customers of the company you are considering using, to determine how they go about this. PCB tests, as with many other processes, vary from company to company. You need to understand how their quality control process works, so you can be sure that they will supply you with your required PCB services.

Its essential that you prevent poor quality products from reaching consumers, which is why PCB tests are so important. Your company could be endangered if a batch of inferior quality PCBs gets through, so you need to try to prevent this from occurring. If you choose a company which does PCB tests, you can avoid the neglect of bare circuit boards, which often does happen. The bare board is the basis of the whole PCB production process, and its quality should not be neglected.

Your company may have quality control in-house, but even so its worth considering the advantages of outside PCB services. If you use outside services but do not have your own quality control, then you need to ensure that the outside vendor does have this process. By using the best PCB service you can ensure that your own company has a reputation for the production of high quality products. Every company relies on their reputation. You need to understand the value of PCB tests, and how they can benefit your own company.


Gold Phoenix PCB provides you with good services. It uses state-of-the-art PCB manufacturing equipment, complimented by the latest inspection equipment for manufacturing close-tolerance boards up to 24 layers. It offers copper thicknesses up to 6 oz, hidden or blind vias, high frequency, aluminum based and customer specified PCBs. All of our PCB board products are in compliance with UL and GB (China National Standard Committee) GB4588.2, GB4588.4 and IPC-600E standards.