How To Buy PCB & Choose The Right Pcb Manufacturer


Whatever our requirements for electronics manufacturing like PCB assembly and testing, we never seem to find the right PCB manufacturer to do that job for us. Sometimes that job is a critical one so finding the right people and buy PCB that fit the bill becomes all the more important. So what company should you trust? WHERE can you buy PCB? Whom do you go asking about all this? I have some points written below to help you decide. Hopefully it might clear most of your doubts, if not all, and you should be able to choose a PCB manufacturer that fits your needs the most.

1. Before you buy PCB, you should research thoroughly on the capabilities of the PCB manufacturer youre looking at. There are some good companies in the China that specialize in the most modern technology and methods for both PTH and SMT PCB assembly, and you should have no problem fishing them out from the rest. Read up everything they have put it up on their websites to first make sure that they are competent enough to handle your electronic manufacturing requirements at least. Also, find out if they offer one off prototyping as well to have a little more detailed idea about their capabilities. Gold Phoenix uses state-of-the-art PCB manufacturing equipment, complimented by the latest inspection equipment for manufacturing close-tolerance boards up to 24 layers.

2. Please see what variety of fields they are involved in, before you buy PCB. Logic dictates that the more fields a company is working in, the more trustworthy they are. And usually this is especially true for electronics manufacturing. Also some sectors and fields like defence electronics and petrochemicals have strict guidelines and quality requirements, since they deal with mission critical situations more often than not. If a company can live up to defence electronics and their requirements, then they naturally should be good for normal needs!

3. The next thing you should be looking at is experience. If you would like to buy PCB, now take note here that the number of fields they are involved in will be moot if they have little on field experience. Gold Phoenix has 12 years of on field experience in PCB Manufacturing , so looking for it will pay off well. Gold Phoenix can turn a 2 layers small production order in 8 hours, 4 layers in 48 hours.

4. Experience wouldn't count much if the company has zero credibility. Check up on their credibility by checking up on their clients. Any PCB manufacturer with a half decent clientele will never hide them. On the contrary, they will put it up on display on easily accessible web pages on their websites! Use that to your advantage and skim through their lists. Remember to look for Defence Electronics and military related clients. Gold Phoenix is trusted by over 70, 000 business customers including Microsoft, RIM, Tyco Electronics, Midea, Flextronics.

Now that you know all these, you should be able to buy PCB you want and find a good PCB Manufacturer with some luck. China is famous for PCB; that means it has famous and good electronic manufacturing companies here! Gold Phoenix provides you with One Stop Service, 90 Days Limited Warranty and be always willing to Answer your PCB and PCB assembly questions 24/7.